Response Data Structure
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
merchantCode | String | Merchant code |
merchantName | String | Merchant name |
currentCredit | Number | The current amount in disbursement account of merchant (for VND currency) |
currencies | Array | The array contains the currency information. |
topupData | Array | The array contains the method information to cash in the disbursement account. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
type | String | “BANK_TRANSFER” |
qrText | String | This string to generate the QR code, and then use the app of banks which can support scanning & transferring. Only for the BANK_TRANSFER type. |
bankAccountNumber | String | The bank account number of the receiver. |
bankAccountName | String | The bank account name of the receiver. |
bankName | String | The name of receiving bank. |
transferRemark | String | Transfer remark. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
requestId | String | The ID of request. |
code | Number | Logic’s error code. |
status | String | PASSED: Request is submitted successfully. FAILED: Request is submitted fail. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
requestId | String | The ID of disbursement request. |
refCode | String | The Ref code from NeoPay. |
status | String | The status of request: PASSED FAILED APPROVED REJECTED |
transactions | Array | The array contains the disbursement transaction information. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
requestId | String | The ID of disbursement request. |
transId | String | The ID of disbursement transaction. |
requestTransId | String | The ID of disbursement transaction is provided by the merchant (when submitting the request). |
amount | Number | The amount of disbursement transaction (VND as default). |
srcAmount | Number | The amount - foreign currency (different from VND). Which will be deducted from pre-fund account |
srcCurrency | String | The pre-fund account currency. |
fxRate | Number | The exchange rate between the srcCurrency against the VND |
fee | Number | The fee of disbursement transaction. |
receiver | String | The name of receiving person/organization. |
bankAccountNumber | String | The bank account number of the receiver. |
status | String | The status of transaction: SUCCESS FAILED PROCESSING WAITING_PROCESS |
failedReason | String | The reason of failure (If the status is not “FAILED”, the failedReason will be null). |
code | Number | Logic’s error code. Refer to table of error codes |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
currency | String | The currency |
fxRate | Number | The value of forex rate |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
code | String | Currency code |
balance | Number | The balance of corresponding currency type. |
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
requestId | String | The ID of exchange request. |
srcAmount | Number | The amount of srcCurrency |
dstAmount | Number | The amount of dstAmount |
srcCurrency | String | The source currency. |
dstCurrency | String | The destination currency. |
fxRate | Number | The exchange rate between the srcCurrency against the VND |
status | String | SUCCESS: Exchange success FAILED: Exchange failed |
failedReason | String | The reason of failure |
code | Number | Logic’s error code. Refer to table of error codes |
Last updated